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Breakfast with Jesus

“Then, as soon as they had come to land, they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid on it, and bread.” John 21:9

The disciples heads must have been spinning. So many had seen Jesus since His resurrection. Mary Magdalene had thought Him a gardener before He spoke to her and she realized through tears that He was Jesus. Then, that very evening Jesus appeared to His disciples and spoke to them at length.

Over a week later He came to them again, knowing what Thomas has said in His absence and talking with him specifically about His question, “Reach your finger here, and look at My hands; and reach your hand here, and put it into My side. Do not be unbelieving, but believing.” (20:27)

Jesus was clearly alive. He was appearing to hundreds. The disciples were as stumped as anyone. They had seen him, spoke with Him, touched Him, and yet, what did it all mean. What would be next? Peter couldn’t take the waiting. “I’m going fishing,” he declared. About half of the other disciples went with him.

It was a long night, no fish.

Just after dawn a voice called from the shore, “Children, have you any food?” “No,” they replied. It hadn’t really been about fishing. They just had to either get their minds distracted for a few hours or wrap their heads around the resurrection in some way. But now that it was dawn a few fish would have been nice. A body still got hungry, even when perplexed.

“Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some.” Some in the boat probably objected, but for some reason they took the stranger’s advice and spread the net to the right. Suddenly fish rushed into the net, seemingly eager, compelled to offer themselves to the tired disciples. John realized what was happening – “It’s the Lord!”

That’s all Peter needed, it clicked for him, too. It was Jesus! He threw on his jacket and dove in, leaving his mates to deal with the catch. Oh to see Jesus face at that moment. I picture a surprised and joyful laugh!

“Bring some of your catch… Come and eat breakfast.” Jesus said as the boat came ashore. He had been cooking. Bread was ready and fish were cooking over coals. The disciples gathered by His makeshift camp and He served them bread and fish. How he loved these boys.

It was a sacramental moment. Jesus took common items, fish and flour, and made breakfast. His touch, His presence, making the common special. Holy. He met them with hospitality, generosity, and practical love they probably didn’t even realized they needed so badly at that moment.

Sometimes breakfast with Jesus is just what you need to get back on the right track. Breakfast, or coffee, or in our grand daughters case a nice bottle of formula as nana sings Jesus Loves Me prayerfully over her.

Does something have your mind spinning this morning? Take a few minutes. Jesus is thinking of you. He’s likely cooking up something special to share with you. Oh how He loves you and me.
