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When it was clear that we couldn’t persuade him, we gave up and said, “The Lord’s will be done.” Acts 21:14 NLT

When circumstances are set against you and the most obvious problems seem to be ignored or insignificant to those who could fix them, we tend to pray for God to intervene in a way that seems right to us. We pray that God will “rend the heavens and come down to judge and make right.” Often we are much more graphic in expressing what we would like Him to do to “our enemies” (Father forgive us.) We are passionate in our cries for justice – but we are also biased.

There is a better way to pray in these situations because, in my heart, it is God’s will I really want, not my own. He knows best, and He is Lord. A much better prayer is to invite God to do what pleases Him. The Lord already knows the issues that concern you, and His Spirit is at work in every case. Invite His will. Invite Him to do as He sees fit. Let go of your bias and agenda. Doing this will help you pray with thanksgiving and will guard your heart against agitation and anxiety.

Our Father in heaven, Holy is Your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done, in my life, in my family, and in this mixed-up and masked-up world where you have made us priests and stewards of grace. For You alone are good, and your mercies endure forever – Amen